Tuesday, November 13, 2012


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Di dalam al Quran, terakam indah firman Allah yang bermaksud, " Di dalam kedua- duanya (syurga) juga terdapat buah- buahan serta pohon kurma dan delima". [Surah al Rahman ayat 68]. Allah menyebut buah delima (rumman) sebanyak 3 kali di dalam ayatNya untuk menunjukkan betapa hebatnya penciptaan Allah itu dan ia juga disebut sebagai buahan daripada syurga.

Buah delima mempunyai khasiat yang jarang diketahui oleh kebanyakan orang? Ia adalah buah syurga dan diberitakan di dalam Al-Quran sebanyak 3 kali. Khasiat perubatan delima sudah dijumpai sejak 8000 tahun dahulu oleh masyarakat Parsi Purba (Iran).

Dalam Islam, buah delima merupakan salah satu buah yang terdapat di dalam syurga yang dikurniakan Allah sebagai rezeki yang boleh dinikmati oleh umat manusia yang menunjukkan tanda-tanda kekuasaanNya sebagaimana yang termaktub dalam firmanNya di dalam surah Al An’am ayat 99 :
"Dan Dialah yang menurunkan hujan. Kami keluarkan daripadanya tanaman yang menghijau, Kami keluarkan pula dari tanaman itu butir-butir (buah) yang bergugus-gugus dan dari pohon-pohon tamar (kurma) dari mayang-mayangnya (Kami keluarkan) tandan-tandan buah yang mudah dicapah dan dipetik dan (Kami jadikan) kebun-kebun anggur dan zaitun serta buah delima, yang bersamaan (bentuk, rupa dan rasanya) dan yang tidak bersamaan. Perhatikanlah kamu kepada buahnya apabila ia berbuah dan ketika masaknya. Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu mengandungi tanda-tanda (yang menunjukkan kekuasaan Kami) bagi orang-orang yang beriman".

Harga : RM 16.00 sahaja sebotol 250ml

Penghantaran PERCUMA! (konsep COD) 
sekitar KLCC, Ampang Park, Ampang Point, Ampang, Pandan, HUKM, Cheras.

Lokasi baru penghantaran PERCUMA - Setiawangsa!

* RM 7 bayaran pos sebotol (Pos Laju) 
seluruh Semenanjung.

Dapatkan segera!!!
Hubungi saya : 012-6834763 (fendi)


**Harga Borong**

Beli 12 botol dengan harga RM 165.00 (RM13.75 sebotol)

Beli 24 botol dengan harga RM 312.00 (RM 13.00 sebotol)

Researchers report that pomegranate are rich in antioxidants that can keep bad LDL cholesterol from oxidizing (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, May 2000). This degradation of LDL seems to be an initial step in the development of atherosclerosis. In addition, pomegranate juice, like aspirin, can help keep blood platelets from clumping together to form unwanted clots.

Menstabilkan paras kolestrol
Adalah sukar untuk mengekalkan tahap kolestrol dalam badan. Delima akan membantu meningkatkan tahap kolestrol yang baik di samping menurunkan kolestrol yang buruk.

Delima mempunyai tahap antioksidan yang tinggi
Delima terbukti mempunyai kandungan antioksidan yang tinggi berbanding pesaingnya seperti anggur merah dan teh hijau. Apabila anda memerlukan sumber antioksidan pada kehidupan seharian, anda perlu pastikan ia adalah antioksidan yang paling bagus. Delima merupakan sumber terbaik untuk antioksidan.

Melawan penyakit jantung
Delima membantu melancarkan peredaran darah dalam badan. Ini adalah kaedah terbaik melindungi diri daripada penyakit jantung atau serangan jantung. Berdasarkan kajian terbaru, kandungan antioksidan dalam jus delima membantu menurunkan pembentukan lemak pada dinding arteri. Antioksidan membantu membaiki kawasan sel yang rosak. Delima mengandungi flavonoids dan polyphenols yang tinggi, iaitu antioksidan yang mampu melawan penyakit jantung dan kanser.

Merangsang tenaga batin
Jus delima kaya dengan antioksidan yang dapat meningkatkan pengaliran darah pada genitals (alat kelamin). Ia juga mencegah ketidaksuburan dan kemandulan. Delima juga dikenali sebagai natural viagra, dapat meningkatkan tenaga seksual secara semulajadi.

Menguatkan sistem pertahanan badan
Delima merupakan pendekatan yang baik bagi melawan penyakit. Delima dapat memperbaiki kitaran darah pengguna. Tahap antioksidan yang tinggi dalam Delima akan membantu menguatkan sistem dalam badan dan melawan apa jua penyakit. Ini adalah langkah awal untuk pengguna dari menjadi mangsa serangan jantung atau penyakit hati.

Mengurangkan risiko penyakit kencing manis
Meminum jus delima sangat baik untuk pesakit kencing manis dan merendahkan risiko masalah jantung. Kajian terbaru mendapati pesakit kencing manis yang meminum jus delima selama 3 bulan dapat merendahkan kebarangkalian atherosclerosis (atau pengerasan pada arteries). Kata Penyelidik. “Dalam jus delima, gula bercantum kepada antioksida yang unik, di mana sebenarnya menjadikan gula ini sebagai pelindung melawan atherosclerosis.”

Menghalang kemasukan virus HIV-1 dan microbicide
Keputusan eksperimen menunjukkan halangan kemasukan HIV-1 ke atas jus delima yang dapat menyerap kanji dalam badan. Virus kompleks yang diikat pada CD4 dan CXCR4/CCR5 dapat menahan serangan virus utama A sehingga G dan juga kumpulan 0.

Mengelakkan kanser kelenjar prostate
Kajian telah membuktikan bahawa jus delima dapat mengurangkan perkembangan kanser kelenjar prostat. Kebanyakan pesakit berpuas hati dengan keputusan yang diterima di mana penggunaan delima dapat menyembuhkan kanser itu.

Merendahkan tekanan darah
Salah satu masalah kesihatan utama yang dihadapi oleh manusia pada masa kini adalah menghidapi tekanan darah yang tinggi pada usia tua. Kandungan antioksidan pada delima mampu untuk mengurangkan pengumpulan sel darah kotor dan secara semulajadinya mengurangkan tekanan darah, faktor kepada pencegahan serangan jantung dan strok.

Menguatkan kesihatan gigi
Delima diketahui dapat mengurangkan pembentukan plak pada gigi. Gigi yang sihat dapat diperolehi selain dari menggunakan khidmat doktor yang pakar. Ini adalah kaedah yang dapat mengelakkan pengguna dari kehilangan gigi.

Mencegah daripada penyakit alzheimer (nyanyuk)
Pengkaji daripada Pusat Perubatan Universiti Vanderbilt mengenalpasti bahawa sesiapa yang meminum jus delima tiga kali atau lebih setiap minggu dapat menurunkan 76 peratus pertumbuhan tanda penyakit Alzheimer’s daripada mereka yang meminum kurang daripada satu sajian setiap minggu.

Mengurangkan batuk dan asthma
Kandungan asid askorbik (vitamin C) yang tinggi pada buah ini merupakan ejen anti-radangan yang hebat. Ia akan mengurangkan bunyi dehitan pada pengidap asthma dan lelah.

Mengandungi kepelbagaian vitamin
Delima mengandungi potassium yang tinggi, selain dari mineral-mineral lain seperti fosfor, kalsium, besi, dan sodium, dan vitaman-vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, dan C. mencegah edema, dan mengurangi kadar gula yang beredar di dalam darah (ibu yang baru pertama kali hamil atau lebih dari 3 kali kehamilan). Delima menghilangkan rasa letih otot dan memungkinkannya bergerak dengan mudah dan juga menguatkan jantung.

Delima melindungi otak bayi dan ibu mengandung
Jika diambil semasa awal kehamilan, ia dapat mengelakkan morning sickness dan menjaga degupan jantung agar tetap normal (bagi ibu dan perkembangan fetusnya). Meminum Jus Delima semasa mengandung dapat melindungi otak bayi semasa kelahiran. Ia juga mengandungi potassium di mana ia dapat mengelakkan kekejangan kaki yang biasanya dihadapi oleh ibu mengandung pada waktu malam.
Jus Delima dapat membantu untuk mendapatkan bayi yang sihat dan kulit yang cantik. Doktor mengesahkan bahawa ketidakcukupan asid folik (folate) boleh menyebabkan tiub saraf yang cacat seperti kerosakan pada tulang belakang dan sumbing pada lelangit bibir untuk bayi.

Delima melawan kanser payudara
Penyelidik mendapati bahawa minyak bijian daripada delima dapat memusnahkan sel kanser payudara dan mengekal tanpa menjejaskan sel sedia ada. Kajian lain di Universiti Chicago menemukan jus delima yang ditapai dan minyak bijian delima dapat membantu mengelakkan kanser payudara. Kajian di Wisconsin pula mendapati bahawa jus delima dapat menghalang pembesaran sel kanser kulit.

More recent research has found that eight ounces of pomegranate juice daily for three months improved the amount of oxygen getting to the heart muscle of patients with coronary heart disease. 

Other researchers report that long-term consumption of pomegranate juice may help combat erectile dysfunction (Journal of Urology, July 2005).

Harga : RM 16.00 sahaja sebotol 250ml

Penghantaran PERCUMA! (konsep COD) 
sekitar KLCC, Ampang Park, Ampang Point, Ampang, Pandan, HUKM, Cheras.

Lokasi baru penghantaran PERCUMA - Setiawangsa!

* RM 7 bayaran pos sebotol (Pos Laju) 
seluruh Semenanjung.

Dapatkan segera!!!
Hubungi saya : 012-6834763 (fendi)


**Harga Borong**

Beli 12 botol dengan harga RM 165.00 (RM13.75 sebotol)

Beli 24 botol dengan harga RM 312.00 (RM 13.00 sebotol)

Bayaran secara online atau transfer cash boleh dibuat ke akaun berikut:
MAYBANK : 155014985297    (Mohd Affendi Bin Othman)
BANK ISLAM : 05-012-02-030201-2   (Mohd Affendi Bin Othman)
*Sila maklumkan pembayaran ke 012-6834763 dan email salinan pembayaran ke attayseers@gmail.com
Untuk urusan penghantaran melalui pos, kadar bayaran akan dimaklumkan kepada anda dengan segera. Sila emailkan kepada kami alamat anda dengan tepat.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Minyak Zaitun

Extra Virgin Olive Oil 

Minyak Zaitun bermutu tinggi jenama DURRA

750ml = RM26.00
250ml = RM12.00

Harga borong : 

750ml 1 karton(12 botol) = RM264

250ml 1 karton(12 botol) = RM132

Hubungi segera : 012-6834763 (Fendi)

Minyak Zaitun boleh membantu mencegah 

Minyak Zaitun membantu merendahkan
kadar KOLESTROL dalam darah...

Minyak Zaitun Durra 750ml

Kunjungi laman rasmi DURRA di

Minyak Zaitun bermutu tinggi jenama DURRA

750ml = RM26.00
250ml = RM12.00

Harga borong : 

750ml 1 karton(12 botol) = RM264

250ml 1 karton(12 botol) = RM132

Hubungi segera : 012-6834763 (Fendi)

Anda ada masalah buasir?
Bagi merawat penyakit yang berkaitan organ dalaman seperti gastrik,masalah hati,penkreas,ginjal mahupun buasir,minum sesudu 2x sehari,insyaAllah sembuh.

Rahsia khasiat minyak zaitun:

  • Mengurangkan pengambilan lemak dalam diet harian
  • Menghindari penyakit kardiovaskular dan arteriosclerosis
  • Mengelakkan pembentukan batu hempedu (gallstone)
  • Membantu penghadaman dan mengurangkan ulser perut
  • Antioksidan dan antikanser
  • Membantu keseimbangan metabolisme tubuh, pertumbuhan tulang dan tubuh yang baik (khasnya bagi kanak-kanak)
  • Membekal vitamin E yang tinggi
  • Kecantikan (kulit dan rambut)
  • Kestabilan asid lemak
  • Membekal pelbagai vitamin untuk antipenuaan
  • Kegunaan massage therapy
  • Berkesan untuk bisul, ruam lampin, dan gatal-gatal

Cara penggunaan minyak zaitun:

  • Campurkan 2 sudu ke dalam setiap masakan
  • Sapukan ke muka bagi kecantikan wajah dan menghilangkan parut jerawat
  • Ambil secara mentah sekurang-kurangnya 2 sudu makan setiap hari

Minyak Zaitun bermutu tinggi jenama DURRA

750ml = RM26.00
250ml = RM12.00

Harga borong : 

750ml 1 karton(12 botol) = RM264

250ml 1 karton(12 botol) = RM132

Hubungi segera : 012-6834763 (Fendi)

Friday, October 5, 2012

AtTayseer Solutions

Jemput sahabat-sahabat semua untuk mengunjungi laman jualan kami di


Individu yang berminat untuk membeli:
1. Cuka Kurma
2. Pati Delima Gulshan
3. Minyak Zaitun (extra virgin olive oil)
bolehlah mengunjungi laman tersebut untuk maklumat lebih lanjut.

Terima kasih.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Physics Of The Human Brain In The Light Of The Holy Quraan

Physique Of The Human Brain In The Light Of The Holy Quraan

By : Dr. Hussein Rudwan Al-Lubaidy (1)
Is the anatomical and functional physique for the upper zones of the human brain was a known thing during the messenger life (PBUH)?
Is the physique, as well as, the commanding zones of the brain like those of the hearing, sight and sentiments, and the preference zone that chooses between alternative options  were precisely and comprehensively known things after more than one thousand years following the messenger death (PBUH)?

The certain answer is: NO, the whole world was not aware of anything about the integral and refined physique of the human brain. The world started recently to know the hearing, sight, sentiments and the preference zones in the human brain. This occurred within more than one thousand years following death of the messenger (PBUH).

The last question will be: What would be the comments of the international intellectual mind if he discovers a comprehensive map for the anatomical & functional physique of the upper commanding zones in the human brain as stated by the Holy Quraan?

No doubt the logical answer : This will be a scientific proof on credibility of the messenger (PBUH) and his message, and would be a proof of certainty that the Noble Quraan is the only eternal & remaining miracle being sustained  in order to be followed by all Mankind, and to be a constitution for those who wish to follow the righteous Way.

Let us then discover secrets of the human brain (the source of civilization & the discretion organ). Let us trace a map for the supreme mental commanding zones of the brain through patient study of the verses which pertain to the hearing, sight & hear in the Noble Quraan (the eternal miracle).

Through different eras the Quraan interpreters have noticed the following:

1-The mention of the (hearing sense) precedes the (sight sense) in the holy Quran.
{And he gave you hearing, sights, and hearts that you might give thanks(to Allah} (An-Nahl 78)
{And indeed We had firmly established them with that wherewith We have not established you (O Quraish)! And We had assigned them the (faculties of) hearing, sights, and hearts; but neither their hearing, nor their sights, nor their hearts availed them aught, since they used to deny the Miracles of Allah, and they were completely encircled by that which they used to mock at!} (Al-Ahqaf 26)

2-The word hearing comes in the singular form while the word sight comes in the plural form.

3-The word Heart  always comes after the word ( hearing) and the word ( sight ).
{It is He Who has created for you hearing, sights and hearts. Little thanks you give} (Al-Mum”minun78)

4-The word (dumb) comes between the word (deaf) and the word (blind).
 {deaf, dumb, and blind they will not return} (Al-Baqara 18)

The interpreters of the Holy Quraan gave their (independent reasoning) in this respect and said:

The precedence or priority of the hearing over the sight is due to the nobility / high rank of the hearing or the ear. The ear hears from all sides and it is the perception tool for the Revelation, and the sleeping person could be awakens by it.

Al-Qurtubi interpretation sets out that:
Most philosophers mentioned the precedence of the sight over the hearing because the hearing can only perceives the voices & the talk, while the sight perceives the bodies as well as colors & all shapes.

Al-Alusi states in his interpretation that:
Verily, all the senses are of importance if being in their usual order. He who lost one sense is deemed in lack of one perception, and to favor some senses than others is a mere nonsense.

Hence the idea of giving precedence to the hearing over the sight, because of the hearing nobility / high rank, is wrongful or groundless but nevertheless it had no substitute.
Then the surprise came to direct all attention to the amazing secret behind
giving precedence to the hearing over the sight. These are the verses that
mention the (eye) and the (ear). In these verses we notice that the (eye) precedes the (ear) which is the reverse situation compared to the hearing & the sight.

Surat Al-Araf {v.179} states:
{And surely, We have created many of the jinn and mankind for Hell. They have hearts wherewith they understand not, and they have eyes wherewith they see not, and they have ears wherewith they hear not (the truth)…}

Verse {195} of Al-Araf states:
{Have they legs wherewith they walk? Or have they hands wherewith they
hold? Or have they eyes wherewith they see? Or have they ears wherewith they hear}

Surat Al-Maidah in verse {45} states: -
{And We ordained therein for them: life for life, eye for eye, nose for nose, ear for ear..}

If the hearing precedes over the sight in the former verses, then the eye precedes over the ear in the latter verses. Hence if the precedence is due to nobility / high rank, the ear should preceded over the eye as the hearing preceded the sight because the ear is the hearing tool while the eye is the vision tool.

Therefore, the issue is not one of nobility / high rank of an organ over another one but something else, a scientific miracle by all measures. Scientists have found Hearing Centers inside the human brain, which perceive the audibles & give them reason. They found centers for the vision inside the human brain, which perceive the visible things & give them reason. They found that the tool of the Hearing Center is the ear, which brings the voices, while the tool of the Vision Center is the eye, which brings the images.   

Though the eye precedes the ear in Man’s head but anatomically the Hearing Center precedes the Vision Center inside Man’s brain.
Here, the undoubtful miracle appears. The words hearing & sight in the Quranic verses come according to the locational order for the hearing and vision Centers inside Man’s brain. But Man in addition to being endowed with ear & eyesight has the ability to produce refined human eloquence.

The Brain scientists have found a zone located between the Hearing Center in the front and the Vision Center at the rear which is called Fornix. When the Hearing Center meets the Vision Center the in-between zone comprises the production place for the human eloquence.

The Quranic verse we already mentioned {deaf, dumb, and blind}refers in dazzling inimitability to the eloquence zone in the human brain. The word {dumb} which is situated between {deaf} at the beginning &{blind} at the end refers to the eloquence zone in the brain which is situated in the brain between the Hearing Center in the front and the Vision Center in the rear.
 If the deafness is deemed as the hearing inactivation and if the blindness is the sight inactivation, the dumbness is therefore an inactivation of the eloquence.

And because those who are described as {deaf, dumb and blind} are the atheists who enjoy good hearing and sharp sight and eloquent tongue, the   {deafness}here means inactivation of the hearing perception and {blindness}means inactivation of the sight perception, while {dumbness}becomes a mental defect pertaining to the perception of eloquence.
Verse no.76 of Surat Al-Nahl gave support in that respect:-

{And Allah puts forward an example of two men, one of them is dumb, who has no power over any thing (disbeliever), and he is a burden on his master; whichever way he directs him, he brings no good. Is such a man equal to one (believer in the Islamic Monotheism) who command justice, and is himself on the Straight Path}

Then in this case it’s as if the word{dumb}refers to the eloquence zone which is located in-between the Hearing Center and the Vision Center inside the brain.
And consequently, the meaning of the word {dumb}and its usages in the Holy Quran refers to the function of the Eloquence Center inside the human brain.
Let us stop here to draw and specify the zones mentioned in the verses pertaining to the hearing, sight and eloquence & then raise a query: Are the Upper mental zones inside Man’s brain are only restricted to the hearing, sight, eloquence & their related memory?

Scientists have found that main eloquence zone is located in-between the Hearing Center and the Vision Center inside the brain.

My answer is :No, the brain contains in it's depth other zones having relation with sentiments and sensations... Inside these zones Man’s brain switches from computer machine with a memory to a greater meaning in which the computing brain with its memory unites with the sentiment. It hears & understands what it hears & acts in return. It sees & understands what it sees & acts in return. Through that action the hearing and the sight are directed. This greater meaning does not exist in the advanced machines that are supported with high potentials of input & output. Whatever those machines are sophisticated it remain an inanimate bodies devoid of the passion and sentimental responses.
Is it possible to determine location and function of the sensations and sentiments’ zones through verses of the miraculous Holy Quran?
The answer is: Yes, this is possible. But how?

By Careful study of the verses in which the word Fouad (heart) is mentioned will reveals the following remarks: -

1- The word Fouad (heart) is constantly placed in the Quran after the word (hearing) and the word (sight).

2- The word Fouad (heart) comes in the plural form (i.e.Afeida) like the (sight).
{…And He gave you hearing, sights, and Afeida (hearts) that you might give thanks to Allah}

3- The word Al-Fouad (heart) comes in meanings such as the sentiments, instincts and sensations.
{So fill some Afeida (hearts) among men with love towards them} Sentiments
{And so We have appointed for every prophet enemies--- Shayatin (devils) among mankind and jinn, inspiring one another with adorned speech as a delusion} up to the verse in which Allah says{(And this is in this order) that the Afeida (Hearts) of those who disbelieve in the Hereafter may incline to such (deceit)} Instincts
{The fire of Allah kindled which leap up over the Afeida(hearts)}Sensations
While the heart comes in comprehensive meanings which include the mind and the sentiment.
{Have they not traveled through the land, and have they hearts wherewith to understand ?}

4- Identification of the heart on one part and the Fouad on the other!
{And the Fouad of the mother of Moses became empty (from every thought, except the thought of Moses. She was very near to disclose his, had We not strengthened herheart (with faith).}

Also in the messenger sayings (PBUH):-
(Yemen’s people are of soft hearts & of mild Afeida).
(Allah would make your heart fearless and would lead your Fouad)

scientists found that there is a center for emotions and instincts in the middle of the brain
These obvious remarks make an identification between the heart on one part & the Fouad on the other. It makes the (Fouad) organically connected to the hearing and to the vision and has connection with sensations, sentiments and instincts. If the hearing refers to the Hearing Center where the audibles are perceived and given reason, and if the vision refers to the Vision Center where the visible things are perceived. Hence the (Fouad) which is organically connected to the hearing and the vision should be referring to the sensations & sentiment’s zone. But, is it possible to identify the Fouad’s location as being the brain’s heart through the Quran verses?

The answer is:Yes, due to existence of the Fouad in a fixed place after the vision, and not after the Vision Center at the rear. This requires us to take the direction towards the brain depth whereas scientists have discovered the sensations & sentiments’s zones. But the question arises: Are the sensations and the passion therein is deemed a human merit?

The answer is: No, because the heart has sensational feelings and it reacts towards its feelings.
Hence, the question arises: What is the higher human value, which makes the human beingeligiblefor discretion & commandment?
The answer is: It is the discretionary power which enable it to choose between alternative options.

Is there any place inside the human’s brain in which this higher human value occurs?
The answer is: Yes, it is the front of the forehead lobe in Man’s brain and recently the scientists discovered its connection with the faculty that chooses between alternative options & with the higher mental connections.
Is there any reference in the Quran to the location and function of the frontal lobe?
The answer is:Yes, but how?

By studying of the following verses:
{…There is not a moving (living) creature but He has the grasp of its forelock} Surat HUD.

In Surat Al-‘Alaq:
{Have you seen him who prevents * A slave when he prays * have you considered if he were on right way * Or enjoins piety * Have you considered if he gives the lie to the truth and turns (his) back ? Does he not know that Allah does see? * Nay! If he ceases not, We will Catch him by forelock * A lying sinful forelock ! }

The forelock in the language & interpretation means the forehead at the hair’s nodes or the front zone.

The first verse of (Surat Hud) determines that the forelock is the higher control and command place for the human being. The second verse of (Surat Al’-Alaq) explains that the forelock is the place for the faculty that chooses between alternative options.
Finally:We can draw three-dimensional image for the brain and specify thereon location and function of the hearing, vision, sentiment and forelock’s Centers as clarified by the following drawing.

The three-dimensional image for the human brain is revealed by verses of the sole remaining miracle (the Holy Quran) as follow :

1- When the word ( eye ) comes along with the word ( ear ) in one verse, the eye precedes the ear in the words order.
The eye is located also in the front of Man’s head while the ear follows it at the rear of Man’s head.

2-The words order for the hearing & the sight in all verses of the Quran is identical to the locational order for the Hearing and Vision’s Center inside the human brain.
Therefore the hearing precedes the sight in the holy Quran and, the Hearing Centers are located in front of the Vision Centers inside the human brain.

3-The word Al-Fouad takes a fixed order after the words ( hearing) and ( sight) in all verses of the holy Quran. In Arabic language it has the meaning of glow and it also called Al-Qalib ( the heart).
Scientists have found centers for the sentiments & instincts which are located in the brain’s depth.

4-The word ( dumb) always comes in order between the words ( deaf & blind ) in all verses of the Quran.

The scientists have found a main Eloquence Center located inside the human brain between the Hearing Center & the Vision Center.

4 Tahap Mendidik Anak

4 Tahap Mendidik Anak

  • TAHAP PERTAMA - Anak yang baru lahir sehingga mumayyiz (~6 tahun). Hendaklah kita banyak bergurau dan membelai mereka dengan penuh kasih sayang.
  • TAHAP KEDUA - Anak berumur 7 tahun sehingga baligh (~14 tahun). Hendaklah kita mendidik mereka dengan arahan, displin dan beri tanggungjawab.
  • TAHAP KETIGA - Anak berusia 15 tahun hingga dewasa (~21 tahun). Hendaklah dididik dengan cara berkawan, bertukar pendapat dan hormati pendapat mereka selagi tidak bertentangan dengan syariat.
  • TAHAP KEEMPAT - Anak berusia lebih daripada 21 tahun. Hendaklah para ibu bapa memberi mereka kebebasan bertindak selagi tidak bertentangan dengan syariat. Ibu bapa hanya perlu bertindak sebagai penasihat agar segala tindakan mereka terkawal.

Didikan Untuk Anak Perempuan

Didiklah anak-anak perempuan kita untuk menjadi:

1. Dai’eyah (داعية)
Berusaha untuk menghidupkan usaha dakwah Nabi saw, dengan tujuan untuk memperbaiki diri kepada iman yang sahih, dan amal yang mengikut sunnah Rasulullah saw. Dan dalam masa yg sama, menggalakkan suami & mahramnya utk memperbaiki diri mereka juga dgn membuat pengorbanan diri, harta dan masanya, untuk berjumpa dgn umat di serata alam.

2. A’limah (عالمة)
Fasih dalam ilmu pengetahuan agama, mengetahui selok belok ilmu masaiel (hukum ahkam agama) dan fadhaiel (kelebihan amalan agama), dan berusaha untuk menghidupkan majlis taa’lim di dalam rumahtangganya dan untuk wanita & anak-anak di kawasan kejiranannya.

3. A’bidah (عابدة)
Melapangkan masa hariannya, untuk beribadah kepada Allah dengan mengamalkan zikir-zikir, doa-doa, dan memperbanyakkan bacaan Al Quran. Dan yang paling penting, dia menjaga solatnya supaya ditunaikan di awal waktu, memperbanyakkan solat sunat (terutama tahajud) dan menggalakkan mahramnya untuk solat berjemaah di masjid.

4. Khodimah (خادمة)
Mahir dan suka berkhidmat untuk suami, anak-anak, ibubapa, keluarga dan masyarakat. Pandai memasak, menjahit, mengemas rumah, mengurus anak-anak dll. Sifat ini akan mendekatkan seseorang dengan Allah serta menjadikan anak kita lebih tawaddhu’ dan taat.

5. Murobbiyah (مربية)
Menjadi pendidik buat anak-anaknya, kerana sekolah yang pertama buat anak-anak ialah ibunya. Mendidik anak-anak nya dengan cara sunnah, dan menjadikan Rasulullah saw & sahabat-sahabat r.ahum sebagai idola kejayaan mereka. Kerana matlamat kejayaan yg dikehendaki olehnya adalah matlamat kejayaan di sisi Allah iaitu, taat perintah Allah mengikut cara yang ditunjukkan oleh Rasulullah saw
InsyaAllah, semoga Allah swt kurniakan kepada kita taufiq dan hidayah untuk mengamalkannya dan menyampaikan pada orang lain. Aamin.
Rujukan : http://anakkusoleh.com/

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The 8 Attitudes To Be A Successful Entrepreneur

Attitude + Aptitude + Amplitude = Altitude in Business

The First Half: Demonstrate NEED 

Attitude #1: Be Reflective – Recognize your limitations:

Survival begins with the principal of need.  We tend to overlook our limitations.  We reject others’ points of view on our limitations.  Having a reflective attitude helps us recognize our incompleteness.  You can become complete through others. The attitude that is opposite of this attitude is pride.  Having a prideful attitude is a serious obstacle in business and personal survival.  Recognizing your limitations can cause pride to deflate.  Discovering your limitations is the beginning stage of being reflective.  Begin the process of being reflective by writing down what you think will happen when you make a key decision.  For the life of each goal, on a monthly and quarterly basis, compare your actual results with your expectations.  Through strong record keeping, you will begin to discover your shortcomings.  By being reflective and proactive, you will focus your resources on making a competent person a star performer.  Be Reflective.

Attitude #2: Be Regretful – Recognize your mistakes:

The next attitude is regret.  The principal for this attitude is brokenness.  Brokenness means your life is given in humility, and is open to whatever work needs to be done. People who are not broken seem to be flippant and curt.  They demonstrate little respect for authority.  These people fail to view the big picture.  They refuse to accept any form of blame. When you begin to be regretful, you can accomplish much.  Becoming broken purifies, teaches, and brings us closer to what really matters, professionally and personally. Experience the cleansing of regret.  Be Regretful. 

Attitude #3:  Be Resigned – Recognize the need to submit: 

By realizing that you are in need of being reflective and regretful for your mistakes, you can then become resigned to the limits of your own ability.  This may drive you to seek wise counsel.  The principal of this attitude is submission.  While discovering this attitude, you find the need for others.  To submit is to be willing to yield to others.  By submitting, you will find that everyone has good ideas and is vital to the success of all.  Be Resigned. 

Attitude #4:  Be Right – Recognize the need to find truth: 

The fourth attitude is to meet the standard of what is right.  The principal is that of yearning to seek the truth. The opposite of yearning is apathy towards the pursuit of truth.  It is the state of indifference between what is true and false.Realize that yearning is an intense emotion.  Sometimes we shy away from the emotion because we are viewed as less stable. One who yearns for truth will find it.  Right leads to might, and 
falseness leads to failure.  Be Right.

The Second Half: To GIVE

Attitude #5:  Be a Reciprocator – Recognize that giving is its own reward: 

This attitude, the first of the last four that demand action, is outward, and is to become a reciprocator. Reciprocity is the principle of both giving and taking something. Society seems to have a “If you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours” mentality.  If one gives to get he is not truly giving.  If you are not really giving, you will never feel like you have received enough.  You need to learn to give without expecting anything in return.  Be a Reciprocator. 

Attitude #6:  Be Righteous – Recognize the outcome of being right: 

The sixth attitude is to be righteous.  This principle contains the aspect of having morality.  Webster’s dictionary reports that the “heart” in the definition of righteous means “the whole personality.”  When we speak of a person as being big-hearted or having no heart, we talk about the person’s morals. Your heart becomes your words.  Your words become your actions.  Your actions become your habits.  Your habits become your morals.As we interact with people on our climb, our attitudes must be consistent. Circumstances and situations ought never to change morals.  The compass that directs the heart should be never changing.  Be Righteous. 

Attitude #7:   Be Reconciled – Recognize the work to bring peace: 

The next attitude is to be reconciled, seeking unity.  The principle balances seeking peace in our own lives, as well as in others. Sometimes we resist reconciliation because we fear compromise.  Consider that compromise is in fact dangerous.  We have seen in the past that these values are driven from the heart. Some fears of compromising are that of changing how we do things.  We tend to become more attached to our ways, rather than our morals. We must compromise without losing our morals and values. The benefits of peace are unity among our colleagues and the acceptance of others.  Be Reconciled.

Attitude #8:  Be Reproached – Set aside yourself for the common good: 

The final attitude is being selfreproached; which is the action of being open to preferring others to “self.” The opposite is driving to gain short-term honor from other people.  This drive to gain brings a temporary satisfaction that leads to discontentment. The principle behind self reproach is the giving of oneself for the higher purpose.  All other attitudes for survival mentioned above lead up to this principle.  The direct result of this attitude is high self-esteem, because you willingly set yourself aside for the good of others.

There is no better way to insure that we have added value to our lives than by approaching the journey with 
the right attitudes.  Surround yourself with true survivors who illuminate the correct attitudes, those climbing attitudes.  As author and speaker Charlie "Tremendous" Jones says, “You will be the same in five years as you are today except for the people that you meet and the books that you read."  Let your attitudes in life guide your climb from beginning to peak. 

Source : http://www.carrollbiz.org/sbdc/resources/8AttitudestoBeSBDC040108.pdf
A Publication of the Maryland Small Business Development Center Network

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